Thai Massage in Manhattan

For many, indulging in a soapy massage in Manhattan is a delightful experience. Originating in Thailand, this naturist massage involves the use of soap suds to create a slippery and remarkably sensual erotic massage. On our Manhattan massage website, you’ll discover numerous private advertisements from masseuses and Thai massage salons. Simply select the Thai massage practitioner closest to you on the map and give them a call.

You can easily compare prices on our platform, as we host a wide array of private erotic masseuses and salons throughout Manhattan.

What could be better than sensual Thai soapy massage with sexy masseuses who will wash your body with various soaps and oils?

What could be more enticing than indulging in a sensual Thai soapy massage administered by alluring masseuses who skillfully cleanse your body with a medley of soaps and oils?

These erotic masseuses possess a profound ability to cultivate an electrifying ambiance. As you step into the space, you’ll be greeted by an array of softly glowing, multicolored candles, a dimly lit room, and the delightful scent of aromatic essences, all accompanied by soothing melodies playing in the background. This potent combination serves to amplify the sensual energy within the room, providing you with a deeply revitalizing experience.

Following your session, you’ll emerge feeling entirely at ease and invigorated, likely eager to schedule subsequent sessions of our exhilarating wet and wild massages with one of our esteemed goddesses.

Thai massage brooklyn

If you find yourself leading a sedentary lifestyle and wish to alleviate stress while combatting chronic fatigue, look no further than the traditional Thai massage in Brooklyn.

During a traditional Thai massage session, clients remain comfortably clothed while reclining on a mat. The tranquil ambiance, infused with calming music, aromatherapy, and the soothing presence of the skilled practitioner, fosters a harmonious and meditative state of immersion and relaxation.

Beyond the immediate relaxation benefits, Thai massage also promotes improved blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, alleviates muscle fatigue, enhances joint mobility, and boosts overall vitality. Ultimately, the objective of traditional Thai massage is to restore balance to the body by revitalizing your energy levels.

Thai massage manhattan

Discover a true oriental sanctuary nestled in the heart of Manhattan, offering a diverse array of Thai massage options, indulgent oriental spa treatments for the body, professional manicure services, and instant tanning facilities. At our establishment, clients have the privilege of experiencing authentic Thai massages administered by seasoned masters from Thailand. Our proficient and skilled Thai masters provide you with the opportunity to revel in the art of traditional Thai relaxation, the enchantment of medicinal herbs, and various other distinctive forms of Thai massage.

Conveniently situated in the bustling center of Manhattan, our salon boasts a stylish and inviting interior, enhanced by exotic aromas and soothing melodies, creating an atmosphere that encapsulates the essence of Asian philosophy in nurturing your body, soul, and overall well-being.

Thai massage midtown

Experience the revitalizing power of the harmonious blend of Thai massage and herbal medicine, delivering a profound restorative impact at every level. Through the inhalation of the therapeutic scents emanating from gently warmed herbal pouches infused with carefully selected oriental herbs, you can find relief from headaches, colds, stress, insomnia, and overall fatigue, while simultaneously enhancing your skin’s condition. The traditional Thai massage technique further contributes to the enhancement of muscle efficiency, the elimination of toxins, the relaxation of tendons, and the improvement of their flexibility and elasticity. Additionally, it promotes increased overall flexibility and joint mobility, as well as the gentle stimulation of all bodily systems.

To visit our esteemed Thai massage salon in Midtown, simply reach out to us via phone, and we will gladly arrange a meeting with you.

Thai massage NY Lady

When considering a renowned Thai massage procedure, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the various factors that influence service pricing in Queens, New York.

Duration of Session: The duration of the massage session plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. Depending on client preferences or the practitioner’s recommendations, sessions typically range from one to two hours. For initial sessions, opting for a one-hour duration is advisable, especially if seeking intensive therapeutic treatments. The rigorous work of the masseur may potentially lead to mild discomfort the following day, making it beneficial to start with a shorter duration and gradually increase as desired.

Areas of Focus: The specific areas targeted during the massage significantly impact the intensity of the therapist’s techniques. Clients may choose to focus solely on the back, head, or neck regions, or opt for a comprehensive full-body treatment. The latter option is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as osteochondrosis or hypertension.

Expertise and Number of Therapists: Services provided by experienced practitioners, including those offering four-hand massages, typically come at a higher cost compared to standard sessions. While the price may be elevated, the experience of a two-person Thai massage can serve as an excellent gift option for a loved one.

Thai massage Club

Traditional Thai massage in New Jersey goes by several names, including Thai massage, Thai yoga, «nuat peng boran,» passive yoga, and more. Fundamentally, this form of Thai massage comprises two interconnected elements skillfully combined into one holistic practice. It incorporates acupressure, involving the application of pressure to specific points on the body (reminiscent of reflexology), and a series of movements inspired by traditional yogic practices, such as twisting and stretching.

The technique employed in traditional Thai massage in New Jersey relies on the use of feet, elbows, and palms. This gentle yet firm pressure facilitates the comprehensive treatment of deep muscles and tissues within the body, contributing to an overall sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Thai massage downtown

Thai massage in Downtown embodies a philosophy centered on life and holistic well-being. Our bodies require consistent periods of rejuvenation, and professional massage serves as one such essential practice. This understanding dates back to the ancient inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, whose knowledge gave rise to a unique healing art known as Thai traditional massage.

The significance of Thai massage lies in its unparalleled ability to induce a comprehensive sense of relaxation throughout the body. This transformative experience enhances the function of all organs, improves muscle and skin tone, stimulates blood circulation, reduces swelling, eliminates toxins, alleviates tension, and promotes the relaxation of tendons and joints.

Couples Massage: Infuse New Life into Your Relationship

Few things are as intimate as the romantic connection shared between partners. Introduce a captivating touch of diversity into your intimate life.

Indulge in an intimate session of erotic massage, administered by our sensitive, attentive, and graceful masseuses. These skilled professionals will guide you through a journey of exploration, unveiling new dimensions within the realm of sexual intimacy. We are committed to assisting you in fostering an enduring sense of fidelity while delving into the art of passion. Within the world we invite you to explore, there are no boundaries.

Thai Massage Studio NYC

Beauty, health, and youth are among the most coveted attributes for individuals worldwide. However, many people erroneously believe that achieving beauty and youth necessitates costly cosmetic surgeries, while maintaining good health requires expensive pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile, our ancestors have long relied on more accessible methods to preserve these qualities simultaneously. Thai massage, having traversed 2.5 thousand years, stands as one such time-tested practice that has reached us.

The Benefits of Thai Massage

Thai massage offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced blood circulation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Improved joint flexibility
  • Alleviation of stress
  • Enhanced skin condition
Where to Access Thai Massage

It is crucial to recognize that Thai massage is a comprehensive therapeutic procedure. During the treatment, the massage therapist focuses on vital areas such as the client’s spine and joints. Therefore, selecting a skilled practitioner is of paramount importance for a truly effective wellness experience.

Choosing the Right Thai Massage Studio

A reputable Thai massage studio should boast certified specialists, preferably with a medical background, and as a result, may not be the most budget-friendly option. However, the quality of service is undoubtedly worth the investment. The repercussions of choosing an inexperienced practitioner could lead to regrettable consequences, underscoring the significance of prioritizing expertise over cost.

Thai Massage at Home

Engaging in Thai massage at home is not recommended for similar reasons. While the intention may be to offer comfort to loved ones, there is a risk of unintentionally causing harm. Nonetheless, there are simplified variations of the massage based on Thai techniques that may be suitable for independent practice.



Welcome to our esteemed Thai Massage Studio in the heart of New York City! We pride ourselves on being a team of dedicated massage masters, committed to providing you with an exceptional range of massage services. In our studio, you can expect nothing less than top-tier quality massages, all within a serene and inviting atmosphere, adorned with the presence of our skilled and beautiful masseuses. Rest assured, our team comprises experts well-versed in all massage techniques, ensuring that your experience with us is nothing short of extraordinary. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you to our studio and provide you with a rejuvenating and memorable massage experience.




+ 1 347 444 4498


You can call us. You can also order a call back, absolutely free.

Whatsupp — +1 347 844 8649

















Massage Manhattan Club

Thai Body Massage: How to Experience It in Our Salon

At our salon, we offer the exquisite Thai body massage, commonly referred to as the soap massage due to the use of soap during the session. This type of massage has garnered significant popularity not only in various countries worldwide but particularly here in Manhattan. At the heart of this massage is our skilled masseuse, carefully selected based on their exceptional beauty and expertise. During the session, she utilizes her naked body exclusively to work on yours, ensuring that you experience the utmost relaxation, especially targeting any stiffness or tension within your body. Embrace the indulgence of this erotic massage at our salon, where your well-being is our utmost priority.

The undeniable benefits of Thai body massage

The Thai body massage, known for its exceptional relaxation benefits, is a highly sought-after procedure among both men and women. During this massage, the skilled touch of the masseuse, which may involve contact with various erogenous points on the body, works to activate these points, leading to a heightened sense of physical and sensual stimulation. In addition to this, the massage effectively helps in the alleviation of muscle tension and the improvement of blood circulation. Furthermore, it aids in the elimination of toxins and the release of accumulated negative energy from the nerve endings within the body. Indulge in this therapeutic experience, and discover a new level of holistic well-being and relaxation.



We have selected the most common questions that our clients ask us.

What types of Thai massage do you offer?

At our club, we offer various types of Thai massage, including traditional Thai massage, Thai body massage, Thai soapy massage, and more.

How long does a typical Thai massage session last?

The duration of a Thai massage session can vary based on the type of massage chosen and your preferences. Typically, sessions can range from 60 minutes to 120 minutes.

Are your masseuses professionally trained?

Yes, all our masseuses are highly trained professionals with expertise in various massage techniques, ensuring a high-quality and enjoyable experience for our clients.

Do you offer any special packages or discounts for regular customers?

Yes, we provide special packages and discounts for our loyal customers. Please visit our website or contact us directly for more information on our current offers.

How can I book an appointment with your club?

Booking an appointment with us is easy! You can either visit our website and use the online booking form or contact us directly via phone or email to schedule your session.

What can I expect during a Thai massage session at your club?

During your Thai massage session, you can expect a serene and comfortable environment, expertly administered massage techniques, and a focus on your relaxation and well-being.

Indications for the Thai body massage procedure include:
  • Chronic fatigue and nervousness due to physical exhaustion
  • Muscle tension and vascular spasms in the brain
  • Certain heart conditions and the prevention of complications post-surgery
  • Prophylaxis for individuals with occupational diseases involving dust exposure

As evident, this type of massage offers not only emotional satisfaction but also various therapeutic benefits, particularly for individuals with heart-related ailments. The therapeutic effects of Thai body massage have been recognized since the early 20th century.

How is Thai (soapy) body massage performed?

During a Thai (soapy) body massage, the procedure is conducted as follows:

  1. The Thai masseuse will undress completely, and you will also be asked to do the same before entering a bathtub filled with luxurious foam. This initial step helps the body relax and prepare for the subsequent stages of the massage.
  2. Subsequently, you will be laid on a mattress, and the masseuse will initiate the massage. A thick layer of slippery foam and the sensual movements of the masseuse create an immersive experience, evoking arousal and a range of intense emotions through stimulating touches.
  3. It’s important to note that the services provided by the masseuse do not involve any intimate or sexual activities with clients.

Please note that this description of the massage technique serves for informational purposes and may vary from one master to another, as techniques and methods can be customized based on individual preferences and expertise.



We do not provide intimate services.

We do not offer intimate services. Your feedback, comments, or suggestions regarding the quality of our services can be left in the guestbook, which is overseen by our administrator, or on our website in the ‘reviews’ section.



Manhattan address

1412 6th Ave New York, NY 10019 Midtown
(Manhattan midtown West)

Psychological & Clinical, 226 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022
(Manhattan midtown East)

60 W 56th St New York, NY 10019

Prevention of Falls NYC, 255 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024

48 Water St New York, NY 10004

Downtown address

48 Water St New York, NY 10004

Midtown address

1412 6th Ave New York, NY 10019 Midtown
(Manhattan midtown West)

Psychological & Clinical, 226 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022
(Manhattan midtown East)

Uptown address

60 W 56th St New York, NY 10019

Prevention of Falls NYC, 255 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024




+ 1 347 444 4498


You can call us. You can also order a call back, absolutely free.

Whatsupp — +1 347 844 8649